VDM types as Smalltalk objects

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VDM types as Smalltalk objects

ViennaTalk: Types, Values and Objects

Although types are not the first class objects in VDM-family, ViennaTalk provides classes to prepresent VDM types. The following table shows mapping from VDM types to corresponding Smalltalk expressions.

type Smalltalk expression class class of value
nat ViennaType nat ViennaNatType Integer
nat1 ViennaType nat1 ViennaNat1Type Integer
int ViennaType int ViennaIntType Integer
real ViennaType real ViennaRealType Float
bool ViennaType bool ViennaBoolType Boolean
ViennaType quote: #quote ViennaQuoteType Symbol
[t] t optional ViennaOptionType the class of t’s value or UndefinedObject
t1 * t2 t1 * t2 ViennaProductType Array
t1 | t2 t1 | t2 ViennaUnionType either the class of t1 or t2’s value
set of t t set ViennaSetType Set
seq of t t seq ViennaSeqType OrderedCollection
seq1 of t t seq1 ViennaSeq1Type OrderedCollection
map t1 to t2 t1 mapTo: t2 ViennaMapType Dictionary
inmap t1 to t2 t1 inmapTo: t2 ViennaInmapType Dictionary
t1 -> t2 t1 -> t2 ViennaPartialFunctionType BlockClosure
t1 +> t2 t1 +> t2 ViennaTotalFunctionType BlockClosure
compose t of
f1 : t1
f2 :- t2
t3 end
ViennaType compose: ‘t’ of:
{{f1 . false . t1}.
{f2 . true . t2}.
{nil . false . t3}}
ViennaCompositeType ViennaComposite
t inv pattern==expr t inv: [:v | expr] ViennaConstrainedType the class of t’s value

Functionality of VDM types

As the first class objects of Smalltalk, VDM types in ViennaTalk provides protocols shown below.

Type discrimination

Types responds to the includes: message with a value as the argument.

ViennaType nat includes: 1

will return true, and

ViennaType nat includes: -1

will return false.

Type invariants are also taken into account.

| t |
t := ViennaType nat inv: [:n | n < 10].
t includes: 100

returns false.


You can check subtype relationship by sending <= message to a type object.

ViennaType nat <= ViennaType int

returns true as nat is a subtype of int in VDM.

Enumerating values

A type is a set of values. A type object can enumerate its value by sending the do: message if the type is a finite set.

| bools |
bools := OrderedCollection new.
ViennaType bool do: [ :b |  bools add: b].
bools asArray

The result is an array of true and false. Other Collection protocols such as collect:, select: and detect: are also implemented.

You can check if a type is enumerable or not by sending the isEnumerable message.

| t |
t := ViennaType bool * ViennaType nat.
t isEnumerable

returns false because nat is infinite set.

Composing a value

A composite type can create a value by sending the applyTo: message.

| t |
t := ViennaType
	compose: 'T' 
	of: { { 'f' . false . ViennaType nat}. 
		{ nil . false . ViennaType bool optional } }.
t applyTo: { 1 . nil }

returns a composite value that represents mk_T(1, nil).